Wednesday, December 9, 2015

Sean to the Rescue!

Thank you to Amy DeBurgh, Director of Volunteers and Guest Services, for writing today's blog.

Sean Krause is a graduate of Shepherds College and is a participant in the Shepherds Ministries Catalyst program.  I spoke with his mom recently, and she relayed an amazing story to me about him.  

Sean’s mom, Leona, and his dad, David, recently gave in to Sean’s long-time request to get an iPhone. Shortly after this purchase, he was sent back to his home and his job at Shepherds, with little or no instruction on how to use it.  He had already picked up bits and pieces of information about an iPhone, from people around him who have one.  One of Sean’s responsibilities for Shepherds Ministries is to travel on the Gospel Team with Al Pick, our Midwest field representative, visiting churches and sharing with them the Gospel using many Scripture verses.  While on the road, Sean learned how to use the Map app on his iPhone.  This would be very useful, as it turns out, to save his dad in a dangerous health emergency.

While visiting his parents over Thanksgiving, Sean decided to go play some touch football with some guys from church.  He and his dad were on their way to the game when it became evident that something wasn’t right.  After they had been gone about half an hour, Sean’s mom received a phone call from him.  “Dad pulled over, mom.  Dad, talk to my mom!”  Sean’s father was unresponsive.  He is diabetic and his blood sugar had bottomed out.  When his mom asked Sean where they were, he looked around and told her the location.  She was unsure about that information.  Sean had been learning more about using his phone, and he was able to send their location to her phone from his.  Sean and his dad indeed were where he said they were.  She sped to the location and called 911.  Sean’s awareness of his surroundings and his growing independence and confidence in using technology served to keep his father from possibly slipping into a coma.  His father made a quick recovery and was able to drive everyone home from the hospital that day.  He had taken measures to regulate his blood sugar, but it didn’t take effect as soon as he had hoped.

Sean’s mom and dad praise God for Shepherds College and the Catalyst program.  They can’t say enough about the amazing ways they see Sean growing in confidence, ability and independence.  Leona said, “Every time he comes home to visit, he knows more and does more for himself.  I never should have doubted him.”